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Deaconess Jacinta Bouvay (left) and Mother Edna Washington

A Welcome Message from Zion's

150th Anniversary Chairs


“For your steadfast love is great to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!” Psalm 57:10-11


Welcome to our official Sesquicentennial Anniversary website. It is by God’s grace that He has allowed us to be a part of such an exciting time in the life of our church.


Our upcoming 150th anniversary prompts us to reflect on God’s faithfulness and His favor. We continue to be in awe of how far He has brought us as a congregation. Humbly this church was established with 88 members worshiping in a brush arbor and presently in 2015, we praise God for a membership of 2,400 worshiping on a 97,000 plus square foot campus. It is our prayer that we will continue to live out Zion’s mission statement: to inspire men and women to first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness through worship; by proclaiming the gospel; by offering Christian education for our members; by providing ministries that meet the needs of the church body and the community; and through preserving the church’s rich history.


We look forward to a year filled with excitement, enthusiasm, and expectancy that God will continue to do a good work in us. Our theme for this monumental occasion is: Remembering the Past, Rejoicing in the Present, Ready for the Future. With this theme in mind, we have planned year-long celebratory events that will culminate with a spectacular gala event on April 8, 2016 and our 150th Church Anniversary Worship Service on April 10, 2016.  As you can see, this will be a time of great celebration and we invite you to return to this website often to be connected to all of our events.


Finally, we thank our pastor, Rev. Dr. Harris T. Travis, for his vision, leadership, support and his unwavering love for God and his congregation. We pray for his strength in the Lord as he continues to teach and preach God’s Word.


In His Service,

Deacon Thomas & Deaconess Jacinta Bouvay
Brother Willie & Mother Edna Washington                                      
ZBC 150th Church Anniversary Chairs


© Copyright 2015. Zion Baptist Church of Marietta. All rights reserved.

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